Your First Appointment

Your first appointment is a free one-hour consultation.*

During the consultation you will be asked to provide as much history about the injury/condition as possible. You will be asked to rate your level of pain, describe its quality and your level of function. (see Pain Assessment Form). You will be asked to describe your activities, life style and your diet.

You will be given some tests to determine your active and passive range of motion of your joints and specialized orthopedic and neurological tests to precisely locate your problem as well as its origin, extension and depth.

The purpose of the consultation is for the practitioner to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the injury/ailment while working together with the patient to determine an appropriate and achievable treatment plan. The consultation also provides an excellent opportunity to ask any questions you have about the therapy.

* The initial consultation fee is $88.50 + HST. The fee will be waved for patients who commence any of our therapies.