Laser Therapy

Is Laser therapy invasive? Does it hurt? Are there any side effects?

Laser therapy is a painless, non-invasive therapy. During treatment, some patients report a faint ache or tingling sensation. Patients have experienced remarkable results with no adverse effects having been reported.

How long will it take before I start to feel results?

Depending on the nature and duration of the injury, most patients will start to notice changes after the second treatment. Pain reduction typically begins during the second week of treatment when the injury response progresses out of the inflammatory phase of healing.

How many treatments will I need?

One of the greatest benefits of Laser therapy is that it is tailored to fit your specific condition. The response of your body will determine how many treatments you need. We work with you to measure your progress. We continually assess your body’s response to determine what adjustments will improve your customized treatment. Our objective is to provide the best possible care in the least number of visits. Once therapy begins, we can determine more accurately how many treatments you will need. In most cases, we expect to see some change in symptoms after three to five visits, but a more prolonged period of treatment may be required for chronic injuries.

Are there any risks?

Laser therapy is a painless, non-invasive therapy. During treatment, some patients report a faint ache or tingling sensation. Patients have experienced remarkable results and no adverse effects have been reported.

Is Laser therapy covered by insurance? How much does it cost?

Some extended insurance plans cover a portion of Laser therapy. Laser therapy fees are modest in comparison to traditional healthcare expenses and we work with you to provide the best possible care in the least number of visits.

Is this like Laser eye surgery?

No. Laser therapy is a non-invasive therapy. We use low intensity Lasers that differ from those used to correct vision. For more information, call and speak to a member of our Laser therapy team at 905-438-1345.

How can Laser therapy succeed when other therapy methods have failed?

Laser therapy is an innovative therapy founded on long years of study and discovery. Unlike the reactive traditional methods that aims at symptomatic relief, Laser therapy takes a proactive approach that directly affects the structural problems which are producing the symptoms.  Bioflex laser therapy treats this damage at the source to diminish/eradicate pain and restore normal anatomical continuity of the tissue.

How does Laser therapy differ from current healthcare practices?

Over-reliant health authority can make it easy to shift responsibility for our own health to other people, devices or medication. Many people have found, that over time, medication is not enough. Chronic pain and other conditions will persist or worsen until they are properly treated and resolved. Laser therapy treats the source of the problem and places you, the patient, at the center of the therapy. When you take responsibility for your health, you can re-prioritize your body’s needs and address the real problem.


PEMF Therapy

Is PEMF therapy invasive? Does it hurt? Are there any side effects?

PEMF therapy is a painless, non-invasive therapy. During treatment, some patients report a faint ache or tingling/wave like sensation. Patients have experienced remarkable results with no adverse effects having been reported.

How long will it take before I start to feel results?

Depending on the nature and duration of the pathology, most patients will start to notice changes during the first treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

One of the greatest benefits of PEMF therapy is that it is tailored to fit your specific condition. The response of your body will determine how many treatments you need. We work with you to measure your progress. We continually assess your body’s response to determine what adjustments will improve your customized treatment. Our objective is to provide the best possible care in the least number of visits. Once therapy begins, we can determine more accurately how many treatments you will need. In most cases, we expect to see some change in symptoms after the first visit, but a more prolonged period of treatment may be required for chronic pathologies.

Are there any risks?

PEMF therapy is a painless, non-invasive therapy. During treatment, some patients report a faint ache or tingling sensation. Patients have experienced remarkable results and no adverse effects have been reported.

Is PEMF therapy covered by insurance? How much does it cost?

Some extended insurance plans cover a portion of PEMF therapy. PEMF therapy fees are modest in comparison to traditional healthcare expenses and we work with you to provide the best possible care in the least number of visits.

How can PEMF therapy succeed when other therapy methods have failed?

Ondamed PEMF therapy is an innovative therapy founded on many years of study and discovery. Unlike the reactive traditional methods that aim at symptomatic relief, Ondamed therapy takes a proactive approach that directly affects the sources of the pathology. The use of biofeedback methods further personalize the treatment to ensure a successful healing process.

How does Ondamed PEMF therapy differ from current healthcare practices?

Over-reliant health authority can make it easy to shift responsibility for our own health to other people, devices or medication. Many people have found, that over time, medication is not enough. Chronic pain and other conditions will persist or worsen until they are properly treated and resolved. PEMF therapy treats the source of the problem and places you, the patient, at the center of the therapy. When you take responsibility for your health, you can re-prioritize your body’s needs and address the real problem.